1Pulse Entertainment FAQ
Productions FAQ (Everything you need to know about 1Pulse shows)
Which shows will I be in?
-After talking with Jenn and/or Eric you will have your answer. Performers could potentially be in multiple shows, but it is not required to be in multiple shows when asked. We build these productions based on what your voice/sound or instrument is best suited for and where it is most needed. In some cases, shows may be designed specifically around your ability.
Can I make requests for songs to be in the show? (productions)
We spend a lot of time designing these shows. There is so much back and forth of ideas it would make your head spin. Songs are chosen for certain productions for certain people at certain times for a reason. We accept suggestions, but once it's been said, let it go. It may happen, it may not. There is a lot of experience behind the decisions made for each production. We always want the show to be the best it can be. That is the main reason that songs will be traded out from time to time, we are just giving the show an upgrade. Just trust us.
How much notice will I have when a show is booked? (rehearsals/production)
As much as time allows. Some shows are booked a year in advance, others we get from last minute requests. That being said, most shows are booked with plenty lead time. Once a show is booked we try and add shows around it so we get more shows out of our rehearsal time. This means we ask for some scheduling flexibility from our performers around the time of a booking to get the most from our production and the performers get the most out of their time. Example, we already have gigs booked for Fall 2016 and December 2016 with Winter of 2017 in the works. As soon as you are part of a production, we will announce the shows but it is your responsibility to get it in your calendar and make plans accordingly. Remember rehearsals!!
Will I have to speak on stage? (production)
If you are a lead it is quite likely. Making a connection with the audience is the most important thing next to having a great performance. If this isn't your "thing" let us know, we will help you develop the confidence to not only put on a great show, but send the audience home wishing you were their best friend! There is generally a loose narrative arc to our shows and we think the perfect combination is having a monologue framework combined with the performer's natural personality.
Do I have to provide sound? (show production)
No. We have all the PA and sound equipment. If you have earbuds or in-ear monitors headphones you definitely should bring them with you. Most of our productions are all run with in-ear monitors (no stage monitors typically). All of the packs will be provided and we do have back up ear buds, but you should have something comfortable that isn't visually distracting.
I'm an "understudy", what does that involve?
That's so great! Being an "understudy" means that you are a part of the production, but not a "lead" until either we need you to step in to substitute or we feel you would be a match for a show we want to create. This role still involves rehearsals, sound checks, and possible extra time to create promo (pictures/video) if necessary. In some instances, you will actually be a member of the show full time, but as a backing role. Regardless, this gives us time to get to know you, get you familiarized with our company and what we do, and hopefully develop a longterm relationship with 1Pulse and the people involved!
How do I become part of the 'Original Music Series'? (productions)
Talk to Jenn. jcristy@onepulseentertainment.com
Business (What to expect when working with 1Pulse)
How much money will I make?
This depends on the show and sometimes the attendance. We try to make sure everyone is paid at least something for every performance. That can vary depending on size of the band (leads included). The only exceptions will be for the minimal fundraiser opportunities which we will design to lead to future paying shows, and possible showcases, which again will definitely lead to future paying shows. You have the right to refuse to play these shows, but we are building a team and the front end of the work put in definitely reflects the back end. Generally speaking though shows pay between $50-$200.
I can make just as much/more playing in the bar down the street. Why should I work with you guys?
Quality, opportunity, upside, and professionalism. These are just several of a variety of reasons to work with 1Pulse. Quality: we spend more time, energy and effort in our productions than your typical bar band and therefore the product is better and in turn is seen by more people and presents our performers in a better light. Which in turn leads to better opportunities for both 1Pulse and our performers, which then leads to a bigger upside down the road (more $$$ for both the company and performers).
Professionalism is something we try and provide and ask for from our performers. From us you get a company that allows you to just perform and not worry about the marketing materials, bookings, contracts, etc. In addition, we strive to provide a fun, drama-free atmosphere that allows people to do their job. Finally, because of this attention to detail, performers are in productions that are better in quality in every way than your typical bar band and be a part of something that is bigger and better than what can be achieved by your typical bar-band situation. Plus, don't think of it as an either/or thing, we think it's great that you perform in a variety of situations, we simply just want to provide you with opportunities in addition to ones you already have.
When do I get paid?
Unless something goes wrong, you will have a check in hand by the end of the night for stand alone shows OR at the end of a run (multiple shows over a time period). If that is not the case, either Jenn or Eric will let you know.
Can I use pictures you have had taken of me for personal use?
Yes. BUT with that said, please make sure to include our 1Pulse watermark on them. The pictures posted should have it somewhere and when it is cropped out you are keeping us from spreading the word. It is part of our marketing. We understand it is your beautiful face, but we also pay money for professional photography to use to help promote shows that you are in. It's a give give situation and we all can win from that. Please respect us and the fact that we advertise our photographer as well. She's incredible and we want everyone to benefit.
Can I use video you have had taken of me for personal use?
Again, Yes. Spread the video for sure! But please make sure you are using one that has the 1Pulse watermark on it. We can't express it enough...we are promoting the show you are in...which makes it your show!
There is a venue we’ve performed at and I would like to make contact to possible perform on my own. How do I go about that?
Ask us. We can help you make connections as we go. One of the worst things is to try and do something in a round-a-bout way. It will likely get back to us and that doesn't look good for anyone not to mention it is one of the most unprofessional things anyone in this business can do. We want everyone to benefit from being a part of this team. It is proper etiquette (and just good business practice) to try and not create a conflict of interest between you and the company that put you on the stage in the first place.
I have my own band, will you book it?
As of right now, with the limited team we have to book shows, we cannot give a definite yes. Although, depending on what it is you do in that band or as a solo artist, we might be able to help. This is an area we will be expanding on over time and letting us know that it is an option is great! But PLEASE do not push it on us. We have an on going list of options, opportunities, and ideas and we will add you to it and random opportunities arise all the time. If the door opens and we can get you a show we will let you know. Know that we want everyone working with us to succeed in all areas of their music career!
I write my own material, do I get to play it?
Unfortunately, not in our 'productions'. Jenn is constantly working on developing the 'Original Music Series' wing of 1Pulse and in that area there may be opportunities down the road where you could have that chance. Again, please do not push it.
Travel FAQ (getting to and from shows and other questions)
Will I need to be available for travel? (Travel)
Short answer: Yes for 4-6 hour distances.
Currently we are working on shows in the Midwest, Southwest, and East Coast. Bloomington is our home base and if you are unavailable to travel we are working on having understudies who can travel. If you are a member of a production you will have the first option to the shows in the Midwest and East Coast. Our Southwest productions will be run a little differently especially on a production to production basis. We try and provide transportation to our shows so no one has to be out of pocket unless scheduling determines that you need to get there on your own, then it's on you to be there at the times determined by the schedule.
How far will I need to travel?
It really depends on the production and where it will be booked. We try to minimize vehicles going to certain venues to. Save the planet and all!
Is gas paid for rehearsals?
No. Every performer is responsible to get to rehearsal. We are a Bloomington-based entertainment company and rehearsals are "local" to Bloomington, so we assume if you're in our show you can get to rehearsals. For those outside of Bloomington, we would love to have you on board, so if you're willing to travel to Bloomington for rehearsals we would love to have you, but unfortunately there will be a commute for you. We obviously encourage carpooling when available. Simply ask other performers, we are all a very friendly group and are probably willing to chip in and help out!
Is gas paid for when I drive to locations for shows?
For shows, in most cases there is a 1Pulse travel option to get people to the venue (except for local shows obviously). If not, you may be asked to drive and usually in those cases you will be reimbursed for gas, especially on those occasions when 1Pulse is unable to provide transportation.
Show Day FAQ (Answers questions about show-related topics)
What outfit(s) do I need to wear for the show?
This is on a production to production basis. If you are a lead, be prepared to have multiple outfits ESPECIALLY if it is a multiple lead show. This is a question that can be directed to Jenn.
Is there a dress code for show days?
Yes, look nice and look professional. We won't enumerate what you can/can't wear here, but use discretion. No shorts or junky looking clothing. No hard/fast rules here, but if it's a little sloppy you may get a talking to from Jenn!
Can I put names on a guest list for shows?
We typically allow a couple of guests/performer. At the end of the day, ticket sales are important to running a show. So please keep that in mind when handing over your guest names. In addition, this conversation always happens with Jenn or Eric...not the venue!
My wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, mom, dad, etc. is coming to the show. Are they allowed backstage to hang out?
No. This is a very delicate topic for some. Backstage is where the performers are getting ready to perform. Not where friends/relatives/significant others are to socialize. Imagine the chaos backstage if every performer had 1-4 people backstage at the same time. Also, all performers are different...but most do not like non-performers hanging out when prepping for a show. You have the whole venue or outside to visit. With that said, we also don't want you to be in or around the audience before the show. Have you been to a concert ever? It's so incredibly rare that the performers are seen prior to the show unless it's actually part of the show. Keep the surprise, keep the suspense, especially if you are a lead! It makes it that much more fun when they first see you on stage.
What time is soundcheck?
This depends on the production, your roll in it, and location. You can almost always count on soundcheck being around 3 or 4 hours before doors open. If a production has a back to back show obviously that will be much less since all settings should be the same. The soundcheck is for you and the sound engineer. You want to be able to sing/play comfortably so respect that time gap in order to make things the best for everyone including the audience!
Additional note: During soundcheck, don't play over someone else. The engineer needs to hear instruments/voices alone in order to get a good solid starting volume/mix. It's soundcheck courtesy. Drums take longer than keys, just know that and when your time comes be ready. If you need something changed in your mix, be patient. Engineers are pretty much always tweaking something, so go old school...raise your hand! It will be fixed in time.
What time is load in?
Depending on your instrument and the venue it takes different amounts of time to setup for everyone. Eric and Jenn are typically at a venue as much as a day before to set up all the extra gear. So take the time of soundcheck and add whatever time you find necessary to get in the space and set up.
Rehearsal FAQ.
- What happens if I miss a rehearsal?
Please don't. These are limited opportunities to get these shows as polished as possible. When someone misses, it throws everything and everybody off. Again, these will be scheduled in advance and around everyone's schedule to the best of our abilities. IF, and only if, there is a rehearsal that we know you can't make and that has been discussed, then Jenn or Eric will meet with you individually to make sure you are caught up. Neither of them have free time to do this for everyone and this really shouldn't have to happen in the long run. So just don't miss!
- When are rehearsals? (Rehearsals)
Once a show is created and booked, you will receive the dates of the performance(s) and will be invited to a basecamp project with a matching title to the show. This helps everyone communicate with each other and makes the process of scheduling rehearsals easier. We understand everyone has conflicts, but if you are as flexible as possible it will make everyone's life easier, scheduling easier, and our job of making it work for everyone easier. Typically there will be 3-4 rehearsals for a run of shows.
The last two we try to get in the two weeks before the show so we have a nice fresh run through a few days before the live performance. This doesn't always mean full band/dress rehearsals. We try to schedule leads together first to run vocal parts, harmonies, etc. Then have at least one rehearsal to get the band tightened up before all meeting together. It is your job to know your part. If one person is unprepared it does set everyone back. This is a team, and it takes everyone's full effort upfront to make that last rehearsal smooth so we can discuss the details such as transitions, speaking points, etc. In addition, once a show is developed and performed out, those initial rehearsals should not be necessary.